
An EditorSession contains the entire state and behavior of the world editor for a single
world. It contains references to the current selection, undo history, the UI widgets, and the WorldEditor instance underlying the session.

Undo History

The session’s undo history is managed as a stack of QUndoCommands. The revision system provided by worldeditor is used to manage changes to the world’s data. Simple access to the revision system is provided by the beginSimpleCommand method of the EditorSession

This method returns an object to be used in a with statement. Any changes to the WorldEditor within the with statement’s block are captured by a new revision in the revision system, and a new entry is added to the session’s undo history. For example:

def changeOneBlock():
    with editorSession.beginSimpleCommand("Change One Block"):
        editorSession.currentDimension.setBlock(1, 2, 3, "minecraft:dirt")